Teach Teens How to Read the Bible on Their Own

April 17, 2024

Reading the Bible can seem like a daunting task. It’s a big book filled with difficult words that spans many years of history and involves deep theological themes. But just because something is intimidating doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. We do hard things in life all the time when we see the value in them, and reading God’s Word ought to be the highest value for every Christian.

Here are a few reasons why studying the Bible is essential:

Personal Growth:
When we read the Bible we learn who God is and discover how to have a personal relationship with Him. We grow spiritually, becoming more like Christ.

Wisdom and Guidance: It provides practical wisdom for making good decisions in life.

Understanding God's Plan: The Bible reveals God's plan for humanity and His immense love for us.

Community Building: Studying together strengthens relationships and brings unity to the body of believers.

It’s crucial for teens to learn how to read the Bible on their own because they won’t always have someone around to teach them. Here is a method that is easy for them to follow when approaching Bible study:

Begin by Praying🙏:  Ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to what He wants to teach us in God’s Word.

Read The Passage Twice📖:  This helps students to slow down and understand the passage. Reading it out loud and in multiple versions can make this step even more beneficial.

Make Observations💡:  Every time we read the Bible, God will be reminding us of things we’ve forgotten, and showing us things we haven’t seen before. So, have the student take note of what stands out in the passage, what is interesting, which verse is their favorite, etc.

Ask Questions❓:  “Were there any questions that came up as you read the passage?” It could be something as simple as “I don’t know what that word means” to something more complex such as confusion over a particular theological point. Help them ask questions and find the answers on their own, if possible, or encourage your student to go to reliable sources to find answers. Don’t miss this step.

Make a Gospel Connection✝️: Help the students to bring a Christ-centered lens to Bible reading by asking “where do we see Jesus in these verses?” Help them consider how the passage helps us understand who God is, why Jesus came, or the importance of the Kingdom of God. This might be easier to do in the Gospels and a little harder in the Old Testament, but it helps students recognize that the Bible is one big book that tells one overarching story.

Summarize The Author’s Point 📋:  In this step, the goal is for them to identify a key point of the passage.  Instead of asking “What does this mean to you?” have them ask “What is the author trying to say?” As they write a one- or two-sentence summary about the passage, they’re using basic reading comprehension skills while studying the Bible. 

Application⬅️: Once time has been spent reading, observing, asking questions, and summarizing, then the student can more accurately identify a personal application to their life. By applying a passage to their lives they follow the advice in James 1:22 and become doers, and not just hearers, of God’s Word.

As teens are equipped with this method, they will develop the skills to read the Bible on their own. While devotional reading is good, the skill to read the Bible for themselves will aid them in life even more. Remind them that it's not just about acquiring knowledge but about encountering the living God, and letting His Word transform their heart and mind, guiding them in every aspect of life. As they start to believe that they can read the Bible on their own, despite the big words and challenging concepts, it will transform their hearts and minds, and grow their faith in Christ.

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